
Posts Tagged ‘Monique Simpson’

Please help me improve my child’s attention span!

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By Monique Simpson – Founder and Speech Pathologist

A child with autism may have an unflinching ability to be able to maintain attention on a task that is motivating to them, like chatting about fire engines, repetitively turning taps on or off or perhaps lining up their favourite Thomas the Tank engines. However when asked to attend to an activity that doesn’t ‘tickle their fancy’, like labelling or matching some picture cards or building something with blocks, their attention may be very fleeting.

A study carried out by Garretson, Fein and Waterhouse in 1990 suggested that;

autistic children’s difficulties in sustaining attention on imposed tasks may be attributable partly to a developmental delay and partly to the motivational contingencies of a task rather than to a primary impairment in the ability to sustain attention.

I couldn’t agree more! Working with a child’s motivations and respecting and building upon their ideas are valuable tips to remember when improving attention span.

From my clinical experience here are three other critical points you should consider when working on increasing attention span: Read more …

Part 2 – Why ‘Play’ is SO Important for Children With Autism

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Last week I promised to do Part 2 of Why Play is SO Important for Children with Autism. (If you missed Part 1 you can find it here).

But the thing is, we decided to try video blogging, which I’m really excited about! However it took us much longer than expected to get Part 2 ready.

So anyway, I’m sorry it’s late, but here it is as promised…

Part 2 in shiny new video format!

The first video below looks at the importance of stage 3 of play development – Imaginary Play, while the second video gives you some great tips on how to use Imaginary Play to help your child (or those children that you treat).

Stage 3 – What is Imaginary Play? (18 min)

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A Quickie but a Goodie!

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Howdy all,

This week’s tip as the subject says is a quickie, but a goodie 😉

Have you ever noticed that after your child has been jumping on the trampoline, swimming, swinging, playing chasings or basically just moving around that they are a lot more talkative and chatty, or if your child is not talking yet that they are playing around with their vocalisations more?

Well there is a reason for this…

Movement stimulates the language areas of the brain. Read more …

How are we doing?

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Hi everyone,

Hope you had a great Easter break (for those of you who celebrate it).
I certainly appreciated having a bit of time off, even if I did eat a bit too much chocolate. 🙂

Today I wanted to flip things around and hand the microphone over to you, to get your thoughts and feedback on my weekly tips that I’m sending you. surprised

Are you enjoying them?
Should I keep doing them…?

My goal is to help you by sharing my knowledge and years of experience treating children with autism. I know there are many of you out there who don’t have access to autism professionals, so hopefully you’re finding my advice valuable.  Even so, I still need to check in with you from time to time to make sure I’m on the right track and to ensure that you’re actually getting some benefit out of it.

So let me start by asking you probably the most important question

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Back on Deck for 2009

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Hello everyone.

I hope things are going well for you and your family.

For those of you who have recently joined our ‘Autism Essentials‘ newsletter, welcome and I hope that you are finding it helpful!

For others, who may not have heard from me in a while, apologies that I have been out of touch. I have been off on maternity leave for the last little while since being blessed with my beautiful daughter Siena, who is already one… doesn’t time fly!

Siena and me

The rest of the team here at Connect Therapy have been doing a great job managing the clinic and website in my absence.

But I just wanted to let all our subscribers know Read more …